Meet Mr. Covid
I pictured SARS-CoV-2 virus, the causative agent of Covid-19, as a person, a mysterious stranger who arrives from the darkness, unknown and threatening, and who gradually converts into somebody completely different, relaxed and casual as a summer tourist may be.
It is the representation of the conversion that any new virus goes through and we as human beings with it, from fear of the unknown to fearlessness, from pain to relief as we learn how to live by this ‘new normality’ pandemic created.
The bitter-sweet journey of Mr. Covid progresses on a grey scale, until the protagonist finally enjoys a new beginning portrayed through a stay-home holiday.

patchwork death conversations after news stall

He flings it again, again, again

Little pheasant Skarecrow’s new clothes

Vultures lurking on long distance electric cables

Little cuckoo plays cuckoo cuckoooo

On this journey, ill, through the windows dreams wander still

By an old pond, a heron and a frog chatter

A fly a mosquito and an ant, season’s pageant

Restless night the mess of broken feathers left behind